Before deciding to invest 3-4 months of your effort in a new regime, be sure to get on the right plan! Set realistic goals to maximise success, and don't mix up conflicting goals that will lead to disappointment and loss of motivation.
The most common of these I hear is "I want to get bigger - increase muscle mass - and lose body fat". Well guys this unfortunately isn't one goal.......
I would always go for Cutting when my body fat goes over about 12-15% and I am ready to lean out and get shredded, although this is just a guide. If you are fairly new to weight training and haven't built up a lot of muscle in the past, you will gain lean muscle while cutting. However, if you are coming from a bulk and/or you have already got high muscle mass, you won't increase it while cutting, but by losing weight slowly, you will only shed body fat, keeping all your gains.
I tend to Bulk after I have enjoyed being shredded for a while and I am ready to carry on with my long term goal of gradually gaining more muscle mass and strength, and ending up at a higher weight. A few years back I was hitting 95Kg after my winter bulk... this year I hit 105Kg (although it varies depending on how clean/dirty I have run my bulk). Generally I bulk for 4-5 months to gain maximum muscle mass... then back off slowly into a Cutting phase to reveal muscle gains for that well defined, lean, muscular physique.
The great thing about my App is that you can easily swap between Bulking and Cutting after each phase so it's easy to rotate the programs throughout the year for best results long term. Not only that, I will guide you through the transition between each phase when it's important to change your diet slowly.
Stick with my simple formula, trust the process and you will reach your goals with a high level of success... the greatest motivator of all!
My App makes the whole process easier and hundreds of customers who joined my App last year year are finding they have massively changed their physique, as well as their sense of wellbeing and improved mental health!
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Before deciding to invest 3-4 months of your effort in a new regime, be sure to get on the right plan! Set realistic goals to maximise success, and don't mix up conflicting goals that will lead to disappointment and loss of motivation.
The most common of these I hear is "I want to get bigger - increase muscle mass - and lose body fat". Well guys this unfortunately isn't one goal.......
I would always go for Cutting when my body fat goes over about 12-15% and I am ready to lean out and get shredded, although this is just a guide. If you are fairly new to weight training and haven't built up a lot of muscle in the past, you will gain lean muscle while cutting. However, if you are coming from a bulk and/or you have already got high muscle mass, you won't increase it while cutting, but by losing weight slowly, you will only shed body fat, keeping all your gains.
I tend to Bulk after I have enjoyed being shredded for a while and I am ready to carry on with my long term goal of gradually gaining more muscle mass and strength, and ending up at a higher weight. A few years back I was hitting 95Kg after my winter bulk... this year I hit 105Kg (although it varies depending on how clean/dirty I have run my bulk). Generally I bulk for 4-5 months to gain maximum muscle mass... then back off slowly into a Cutting phase to reveal muscle gains for that well defined, lean, muscular physique.
The great thing about my App is that you can easily swap between Bulking and Cutting after each phase so it's easy to rotate the programs throughout the year for best results long term. Not only that, I will guide you through the transition between each phase when it's important to change your diet slowly.
Stick with my simple formula, trust the process and you will reach your goals with a high level of success... the greatest motivator of all!
My App makes the whole process easier and hundreds of customers who joined my App last year year are finding they have massively changed their physique, as well as their sense of wellbeing and improved mental health!
New Pricing Options on My App - Sign Up For 3 Months Up Front and Get an Extra Price Reduction!
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My chest was always my weak point and at first it’s hard to mentally drop the weight to focus on technique as you know the vibes when lowering the weight from what you are used to lifting. It’s not something that happens over night but by taking my mind away from heavy heavy, I could then actually focus on my chest stretching and contracting on every rep, therefore gaining so much more out of my workouts. TRY THIS IN YOUR NEXT WORKOUT, YOU WON’T REGRET IT!
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My chest was always my weak point and at first it’s hard to mentally drop the weight to focus on technique as you know the vibes when lowering the weight from what you are used to lifting. It’s not something that happens over night but by taking my mind away from heavy heavy, I could then actually focus on my chest stretching and contracting on every rep, therefore gaining so much more out of my workouts. TRY THIS IN YOUR NEXT WORKOUT, YOU WON’T REGRET IT!
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Lots of you have turned to thoughts of Cutting and may have already started...
So here are 3 TOP TIPS to get you on the right track for the best results!
- The most important thing to consider when running a cut is to be in a calorie defecit i.e. burning more energy than you are consuming, and at the same time it is key to maintain as much muscle mass as possible. The best way to do this efficiently is not too quickly, which can lead to losing muscle, but gradually over a set period of time. In the past I have made many mistakes which made me lose muscle mass and feel weak and tired, but it's all a learning process. Getting the right quantiites of protein, carbs and fats and not rushing the process, ensures you make gains, while maintaining enough energy to sustain you through a busy day and hard training session in the gym.
- I can’t stress this one enough – eating right is not rocket science. Keep it simple – fresh food, nothing processed - chicken, turkey, beef, fish, sweet potato, rice, oats, green veg, fruit and nuts… the absolute basics for getting the physique you want. Mix up the carbs, fats and proteins to make sure you are getting a variety of macro and micro nutrients…plus whey protein as a shake or mixed into your oats in the morning and Boom! I know its tough if you have allergies or more specific diet requirements but my new App has you covered as I have adapted my diet principles for just about every lifestyle. Remember you are going to have to make sacrifices if you are committed to getting a lean, muscular physique. Avoid ready made and takeaway meals - you know they are going to be full of sugar and/or fat - that's how they make them taste so damn good! Eating clean is easy with my new App and its built in shopping list - the only supermarket aisles you need are the fresh produce and the meat/fish... maybe with a brief detour to pick up the essential peanut butter!
- Integrating your training into a busy schedule.. I know a lot of you struggle with this. Workouts don’t have to be hours long if they are structured in the right way. Short intense workouts have been proven to be just as effective as longer sessions, if they are designed correctly. For some people, going to the gym less often but for longer is a more efficient use of time and if you can only train 3-4 times a week, make sure those sessions count and that they are part of your routine whatever happens – no excuses. Some of your abs training can be done at home – loads of abs exercises don’t use equipment. Then, when you are in the gym, add your weighted abs onto the end of your main session. And cardio can be done another time – so when in the gym focus on weights, and leave the rest for other days. It's all about a well structured routine that fits your lifestyle to get the results you want.
Get Faster Results With Me As Your Coach and Grab 30% Off With Coupon "LETSGO30". Click HERE For More Details On How Get Started!
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Lots of you have turned to thoughts of Cutting and may have already started...
So here are 3 TOP TIPS to get you on the right track for the best results!
- The most important thing to consider when running a cut is to be in a calorie defecit i.e. burning more energy than you are consuming, and at the same time it is key to maintain as much muscle mass as possible. The best way to do this efficiently is not too quickly, which can lead to losing muscle, but gradually over a set period of time. In the past I have made many mistakes which made me lose muscle mass and feel weak and tired, but it's all a learning process. Getting the right quantiites of protein, carbs and fats and not rushing the process, ensures you make gains, while maintaining enough energy to sustain you through a busy day and hard training session in the gym.
- I can’t stress this one enough – eating right is not rocket science. Keep it simple – fresh food, nothing processed - chicken, turkey, beef, fish, sweet potato, rice, oats, green veg, fruit and nuts… the absolute basics for getting the physique you want. Mix up the carbs, fats and proteins to make sure you are getting a variety of macro and micro nutrients…plus whey protein as a shake or mixed into your oats in the morning and Boom! I know its tough if you have allergies or more specific diet requirements but my new App has you covered as I have adapted my diet principles for just about every lifestyle. Remember you are going to have to make sacrifices if you are committed to getting a lean, muscular physique. Avoid ready made and takeaway meals - you know they are going to be full of sugar and/or fat - that's how they make them taste so damn good! Eating clean is easy with my new App and its built in shopping list - the only supermarket aisles you need are the fresh produce and the meat/fish... maybe with a brief detour to pick up the essential peanut butter!
- Integrating your training into a busy schedule.. I know a lot of you struggle with this. Workouts don’t have to be hours long if they are structured in the right way. Short intense workouts have been proven to be just as effective as longer sessions, if they are designed correctly. For some people, going to the gym less often but for longer is a more efficient use of time and if you can only train 3-4 times a week, make sure those sessions count and that they are part of your routine whatever happens – no excuses. Some of your abs training can be done at home – loads of abs exercises don’t use equipment. Then, when you are in the gym, add your weighted abs onto the end of your main session. And cardio can be done another time – so when in the gym focus on weights, and leave the rest for other days. It's all about a well structured routine that fits your lifestyle to get the results you want.
Get Faster Results With Me As Your Coach and Grab 30% Off With Coupon "LETSGO30". Click HERE For More Details On How Get Started!
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By setting short, medium and long term goals you will have objectives to chase continuously, throughout your journey, and this will be a massive help in keeping motivation high. Alongside this you can set smaller targets to reach within your bigger goals (For example: Improving your bench press each week while aiming to bulk over a 12-16 week period; losing a specific amount of weight by a certain date; increasing pull ups you can complete by 5 reps each set in 12 weeks).
Write down your goals, in a calendar format and measure your progress to your goal weekly. When you hit one of the smaller targets, replace with another... there will always be a new one you can add, something you can improve. Over time, all these smaller targets will come together into your overall goals.
At the end of the day, what is the point or purpose without having a goal to chase... Set them, Chase them, Smash them!
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By setting short, medium and long term goals you will have objectives to chase continuously, throughout your journey, and this will be a massive help in keeping motivation high. Alongside this you can set smaller targets to reach within your bigger goals (For example: Improving your bench press each week while aiming to bulk over a 12-16 week period; losing a specific amount of weight by a certain date; increasing pull ups you can complete by 5 reps each set in 12 weeks).
Write down your goals, in a calendar format and measure your progress to your goal weekly. When you hit one of the smaller targets, replace with another... there will always be a new one you can add, something you can improve. Over time, all these smaller targets will come together into your overall goals.
At the end of the day, what is the point or purpose without having a goal to chase... Set them, Chase them, Smash them!
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The Facts You Need To Know About Abs!

Over my 13 years of experience in the gym I have trained my abs in many different ways...... different exercises, reps, sets and the number of times per week. I have found them all to be somewhat effective, but to build the abs up in size and to get them really popping, I feel there is a best practice route to take. However, EVEN before discussing training the abs, the most important thing to consider is losing the body fat around your abs through your diet, as they will only be revealed if your body fat in that area is low enough for them to show through.
Also, I get asked a lot “what are the best exercises to target ab fat?" You CANNOT target certain areas of your body for fat loss, as we are all different and it will each of us lose it in different places and at different times. What I have found to be the most effective way to develop the abs muscles is to combine sessions that focus on building the size of the ab muscle along with sessions that work more on endurance/toning of the core.
Instead of doing abs at the end of every session, I like to focus on hitting them like any other muscle, working on the two different training methods, for size and tone, in two separate sessions each week.
BUT remember it's all about the diet to really get those abs on show, but by training your abs in this way, they will 100% increase in size, strength & definition.
Let’s Go!! Get Involved In My Tried, Tested & Proven Transformation Plans In MY NEW APP CLICK HERE & USE COUPON LETSGO30 FOR 30% OFF EVERY MONTH!
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Over my 13 years of experience in the gym I have trained my abs in many different ways...... different exercises, reps, sets and the number of times per week. I have found them all to be somewhat effective, but to build the abs up in size and to get them really popping, I feel there is a best practice route to take. However, EVEN before discussing training the abs, the most important thing to consider is losing the body fat around your abs through your diet, as they will only be revealed if your body fat in that area is low enough for them to show through.
Also, I get asked a lot “what are the best exercises to target ab fat?" You CANNOT target certain areas of your body for fat loss, as we are all different and it will each of us lose it in different places and at different times. What I have found to be the most effective way to develop the abs muscles is to combine sessions that focus on building the size of the ab muscle along with sessions that work more on endurance/toning of the core.
Instead of doing abs at the end of every session, I like to focus on hitting them like any other muscle, working on the two different training methods, for size and tone, in two separate sessions each week.
BUT remember it's all about the diet to really get those abs on show, but by training your abs in this way, they will 100% increase in size, strength & definition.
Let’s Go!! Get Involved In My Tried, Tested & Proven Transformation Plans In MY NEW APP CLICK HERE & USE COUPON LETSGO30 FOR 30% OFF EVERY MONTH!