
Getting your body into a routine

I find my body loves to be in a routine from waking up and having breakfast at a particular time, going to the gym at a set time or having my protein shake after. The more we do it the more we will want to do it.

‘Consistency is the key to success’  is one of my favourite sayings because it sums up the most common mistake I see people make when expecting results. You must stick to your training and diet consistently to gain the results you want.

It’s all about getting our bodies into a healthy routine..... not something we have to do, but something we just do as a matter of course.  It’s widely thought that it takes around 3-4 weeks to form a habit or a steady routine, so it's crucial to stick it out until it becomes second nature. It’s not easy and it takes a lot of discipline, courage and hard work on a daily basis, but at the end the results will speak for themselves. 

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I find my body loves to be in a routine from waking up and having breakfast at a particular time, going to the gym at a set time or having my protein shake after. The more we do it the more we will want to do it.

‘Consistency is the key to success’  is one of my favourite sayings because it sums up the most common mistake I see people make when expecting results. You must stick to your training and diet consistently to gain the results you want.

It’s all about getting our bodies into a healthy routine..... not something we have to do, but something we just do as a matter of course.  It’s widely thought that it takes around 3-4 weeks to form a habit or a steady routine, so it's crucial to stick it out until it becomes second nature. It’s not easy and it takes a lot of discipline, courage and hard work on a daily basis, but at the end the results will speak for themselves. 

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Are you working hard enough?

So this is a massive problem that I see on a regular basis in the gym with people not achieving results.  Obviously there are other factors such as training structure and diet, but intensity is key for maximum impact.  If you train with an average amount of effort, you will only get an average outcome. You need to train with the intention of getting results and this means training at an intensity that takes you beyond the norm.  When I train, I lift to failure almost every set, unless I am working on gaining strength which requires a different approach.  When I say failure, I mean you could not possibly lift the weight beyond the number of reps you are aiming for.  You cannot expect change without making a change.
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So this is a massive problem that I see on a regular basis in the gym with people not achieving results.  Obviously there are other factors such as training structure and diet, but intensity is key for maximum impact.  If you train with an average amount of effort, you will only get an average outcome. You need to train with the intention of getting results and this means training at an intensity that takes you beyond the norm.  When I train, I lift to failure almost every set, unless I am working on gaining strength which requires a different approach.  When I say failure, I mean you could not possibly lift the weight beyond the number of reps you are aiming for.  You cannot expect change without making a change.
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Your Progress

I am seeing such great progress from both guys and girls running my plans! Seeing these results is the most rewarding aspect of my involvement in fitness, and it reminds me every time I get a photo sent to me, or an email telling me of a success, why I do what I do.  The progress pics from everyone not only inspire me, but everyone else that comes by my website or social networks. I get a lot of enjoyment from answering all your questions and reading updates on how you are doing - it keeps me motivated, as does helping you all achieve the best results from my plans.  One of my goals for 2104 is to get more interaction with everyone following my plans so be ready for some ideas I will be implementing soon to get this going.

If you haven't got your plan yet click here

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I am seeing such great progress from both guys and girls running my plans! Seeing these results is the most rewarding aspect of my involvement in fitness, and it reminds me every time I get a photo sent to me, or an email telling me of a success, why I do what I do.  The progress pics from everyone not only inspire me, but everyone else that comes by my website or social networks. I get a lot of enjoyment from answering all your questions and reading updates on how you are doing - it keeps me motivated, as does helping you all achieve the best results from my plans.  One of my goals for 2104 is to get more interaction with everyone following my plans so be ready for some ideas I will be implementing soon to get this going.

If you haven't got your plan yet click here

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Integrating a fitness program into a busy life

I often hear that lack of time is a massive restraint holding people back from achieving their fitness goals.  It is difficult to fit a full regime into your day when juggling work and family commitments and finding some 'me' time.  

Getting your body in shape these days doesn’t have to be about four gym sessions per week - a much more flexible approach is available, and one that doesn’t require the expense of  a Personal Trainer 1-2 times a week.  Although the full gym commitment may suit some people, for others the gym can be combined with home training, a variety of cardio options and a healthy diet plan to help you achieve your goals. Enhance this with support and motivation via social media of your choice, email and face-to-face on Skype, and getting fit can adapt to your schedule and not cost an arm and a leg.

One of the first things is be prepared, and have clear workouts either on your phone, tablet or printed, and integrated into your calendar for the week.  The other key preparation is on the diet front and each week having all the food you need so you don’t have to fit in extra trips to the store.  This is really key as many eating regimes fall down on not having the right food close to hand (and even worse, having the wrong foods close at hand).

Workouts don’t have to be hours long if they are structured in the right way.  Short intense workouts have been proven to be just as effective as one hour sessions, if they are designed correctly.  This further contributes to the adaptable nature of my approach.

Many of my clients have found the flexible approach really works.  So, if a full-time gym commitment is not for you, contact me about a custom plan combining gym and home-training, or a full bespoke program designed around your schedule and including a higher level of personal interaction online.  Make sure you get the results you want and keep motivated until you reach your goals. Email me at to find out more.
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I often hear that lack of time is a massive restraint holding people back from achieving their fitness goals.  It is difficult to fit a full regime into your day when juggling work and family commitments and finding some 'me' time.  

Getting your body in shape these days doesn’t have to be about four gym sessions per week - a much more flexible approach is available, and one that doesn’t require the expense of  a Personal Trainer 1-2 times a week.  Although the full gym commitment may suit some people, for others the gym can be combined with home training, a variety of cardio options and a healthy diet plan to help you achieve your goals. Enhance this with support and motivation via social media of your choice, email and face-to-face on Skype, and getting fit can adapt to your schedule and not cost an arm and a leg.

One of the first things is be prepared, and have clear workouts either on your phone, tablet or printed, and integrated into your calendar for the week.  The other key preparation is on the diet front and each week having all the food you need so you don’t have to fit in extra trips to the store.  This is really key as many eating regimes fall down on not having the right food close to hand (and even worse, having the wrong foods close at hand).

Workouts don’t have to be hours long if they are structured in the right way.  Short intense workouts have been proven to be just as effective as one hour sessions, if they are designed correctly.  This further contributes to the adaptable nature of my approach.

Many of my clients have found the flexible approach really works.  So, if a full-time gym commitment is not for you, contact me about a custom plan combining gym and home-training, or a full bespoke program designed around your schedule and including a higher level of personal interaction online.  Make sure you get the results you want and keep motivated until you reach your goals. Email me at to find out more.
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