Posted by Ross Dickerson

One of the best tips I can give to anyone looking to gain significant changes to their physique is to set short, medium & long term goals, and, keep them realistic!  One of the most common things I hear is ‘I Want To Get Big & Lean’ ........this may be the ideal dream but it’s all about the process to get there.

By setting short, medium and long term goals you will have objectives to chase continuously, throughout your journey, and this will be a massive help in keeping motivation high. Alongside this you can set smaller targets to reach within your bigger goals (For example: Improving your bench press each week while aiming to bulk over a 12-16 week period; losing a specific amount of weight by a certain date; increasing pull ups you can complete by 5 reps each set in 12 weeks).

Write down your goals, in a calendar format and measure your progress to your goal weekly.  When you hit one of the smaller targets, replace with another... there will always be a new one you can add, something you can improve.  Over time, all these smaller targets will come together into your overall goals.

At the end of the day, what is the point or purpose without having a goal to chase... Set them, Chase them, Smash them!
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